Developer Trays | 2001-2022

Photograms (2001) & (2020-2022) / Scans, digital pigment proofs (2016 – 2022)

This series extends over a period of 20 years (from 2001 to 2021). The developing tray is an essential piece of equipment in any photographic practice. Symbolic, therefore. For this series, Philippe Gronon decided to do without a camera. The only means of capturing the image are the photogram and the scanner. Whenever possible, he uses the simplest method: exposing the object on the paper. When the object is opaque, a scanner is used to obtain digital pigment prints.

1. Developer Tray n°1, laboratory La Chambre noire, Paris – 2001
97 x 84 cm – Photogram

2. Developer Tray n°2, laboratory La Chambre noire, Paris – 2001
97 x 84 cm – Photogram

3. Developer Tray n°3, Paris – 2016
81 x 65,5 cm

4. Developer Tray n°4, Paris – 2016
45 x 38 cm

5. Developer Tray n°5, Paris – 2016
45 x 38 cm

6. Developer Tray n°6, Paris – 2016
45 x 38 cm

7. Developer Tray n°7, Paris – 2017
48 x 43,5 cm

8. Developer Tray n°8, Paris – 2017
69 x 62 cm

9. Developer Tray n°9, Paris – 2017
69 x 62 cm

10. Developer Tray n°10, Paris – 2020
69 x 62 cm

11. Developer Tray n°11, Paris – 2020
69 x 62 cm

12. Developer Tray n°12 Paris – 2020
51,5 x 46 cm – Photogramme

13. Developer Tray n°13 Paris – 2020
51,5 x 46 cm – Photogramme

14. Developer Tray n°14 Paris – 2020
84 x 74 cm

15. Developer Tray n°15 Paris – 2020
84 x 74 cm

16. Developer Tray n°16 Paris – 2020
84 x 74 cm

17. Developer Tray n°17 Paris – 2020
66 x 60,5 cm

18. Developer Tray n°18, Paris – 2021
47 x 42 cm

19. Developer Tray n°19, Paris – 2021
47 x 42 cm

20. Developer Tray n°20, Paris – 2021
60 x 52 cm

21. Developer Tray n°21, Paris – 2021
60 x 52 cm

Developer Trays | 2001-2022

Photograms (2001) & (2020-2022) / Scans, digital pigment proofs (2016 – 2022)